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An Eddying Flight
A website for readers, writers both published and working-on-it, writing teachers, budding academics, and anyone who is interested in stories. Welcome!
Join the ongoing (mis)adventures of Zoë D. Marriott, novelist, freelance writing teacher, and doctoral candidate at the Open University...
Sep 18, 20242 min read
The Moonlit Maze on Netgalley
Hello, Dear Readers! A quick update today and the title says it all: The Moonlit Maze is now available to download on Netgalley! My...
Jul 30, 20244 min read
New Book! The Moonlit Maze Cover Reveal & Pre-Order Links
Hello, Dear Readers! It's been a while, I know - I'm currently staring down the final straight of my PhD thesis and will begin a new...
Sep 27, 20238 min read
Surviving the Query Trenches, & Finding a New Agent
Hello, Dear Readers - welcome back, and my apologies for the long, long, loooong blog hiatus this summer. Things have been happening,...
May 1, 20232 min read
'Re-Imagining Beauty' & 'From Here to Eternity'
Hello, Dear Readers - welcome or welcome back to An Eddying Flight. Today I bring you some delightful linkity. Firstly, my debut...
Apr 17, 20233 min read
My First Public Lecture - "Next Generation: Arts" Public Lecture series
Hello, Dear Readers! Welcome back to An Eddying Flight, my beloved blog that I don't manage to update nearly as often as I should (I'm...
Feb 27, 20237 min read
Publishing my First Academic Journal Paper
Hello, Dear Readers! Welcome back to An Eddying Flight where, today, I'll be talking about the process of getting my very first journal...
Feb 9, 20231 min read
Best Writing Advice Podcast
Hello, Dear Readers. and welcome back after my - slightly longer than expected - seasonal hiatus. I hope everyone had a wonderful festive...
Nov 28, 20227 min read
Reflecting on my Research Trip (Part 2: Whitby & York)
Hello, Dear Readers! Welcome back to an Eddying Flight and to my reflection on my first ever PhD research trip, which took me to both...
Nov 14, 20227 min read
Reflecting on my Research Trip (Part 1: York & Whitby)
Hello, Dear Readers, and welcome back to An Eddying Flight. Today I want to start a two-part reflection on my first research trip as a...
Oct 20, 20223 min read
Oxford Flash Fiction Prize!
Welcome back to An Eddying Flight, Dear Readers! I'm delighted, thrilled and still slightly in shock to be able to announce: I'm one of...
Oct 10, 20228 min read
Lessons Learned at my First Academic Conference
Hello, Dear Readers! Welcome back to An Eddying Flight. This week I'm going to reflect on my attendance at the AHRC Cambridge...
Sep 22, 20222 min read
Thursday Pick & Mix
Hello, and welcome back to An Eddying Flight, Dear Readers! Today's post is coming to you just one day after my return from my first ever...
Sep 12, 20228 min read
Preparing for (a Humanities) Upgrade & Mini-Viva
Hello, Dear Readers - welcome back to An Eddying Flight! I hope you're all doing wonderfully in this, September, the month of Academia's...
Aug 18, 20221 min read
Thursday Pick & Mix
Hello, Dear Readers, and welcome back to the blog - and to Thursday Pick & Mix! It's been a while, hasn't it? I hope you're ready for a...
Aug 9, 20227 min read
How to Write a (Humanities) Conference Paper
Hello, Dear Readers - welcome back to An Eddying Flight. Firstly, my apologies that the blog has been a little quieter than usual in the...
Jul 11, 20226 min read
Six & 1/2 Things I learned in my first Six-ish Months as a PhD Student
Hello, Dear Readers, and welcome! Today on An Eddying Flight I'm going to go through some things I've figured out over the exhilarating,...
Jun 13, 20221 min read
Royal Literary Fund Podcast - "The North Star"
Hello, Dear Readers! Welcome back to An Eddying Flight, where this week I have a podcast for you from the Royal Literary Fund's Writers...
May 19, 20222 min read
Thursday Pick & Mix (#11)
Hello, Dear Readers! Welcome back to An Eddying Flight and to Thursday Pick & Mix. I hope you're all doing well - nay, brilliantly - this...
May 9, 20226 min read
The Structure of an Argument
Hello, Dear Readers and welcome back to An Eddying Flight! Today I wanted to share some thoughts about how to get started with academic...
Apr 28, 20221 min read
Thursday Pick & Mix (#10)
Hello Dear Readers! Welcome back to An Eddying Flight, and to Thursday Pick & Mix, the low-stress high-fun creativity kickstart designed...
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